I am sick of hearing about how RP has loads more potential and upside than JR or MF. Explain to me how so ? He has never stepped on the field...
Sorry, but I feel the need to bump this. It is ridiculous that we have FOX Southwest here.
Sounds too much like a Penthouse Forum letter to me :D
2000 Tenn game. After the 4th quarter ended and the teams were getting ready for overtime, the fans started chanting "Here we go, Tigers here we...
You and me heard the same thing.
I am soooooooo sick of hearing about non-stop motors. :dis:
I work for a large construction company here in Baton Rouge, and the engineer type guys we have here are amazed that LSU even tried to do what was...
My understanding was that the new upper deck would not change the overall stadium capacity. It is wider, but not as tall.
My point is that perhaps that way of thinking made this guy much more brave than he otherwise may have been. So maybe he provoked Chase thinking,...
I haven't read this whole thread, but I haven't seen this mentioned..... I think that there is also a very good chance that this guy recognized...
Kudos to Chase. I would have done the same thing
Makes me ill. Listening to some of you guys, you would think that we'll be lucky to win a single game this year. I for one choose to have...
ANYONE can edit Wikipedia.
While I agree with you there, I just think it reflects badly on JV to defend himself against something so silly. He needs to be worried about...
While I question whether that was actually JV posting that, if it was JV that posted, then he has some serious self esteem issues and is showing...
No, I believe that SLU dropped football for financial reasons.
I agree that this board has been too harsh on GerryV, but it is also NOT cool to blatantly pimp your show on this board.
You obviously don't understand the concept of home field advantage. The stadium is EXACTLY the place for that stuff. If the home teams announcer...
Remember that when we have days games, especially on CBS, it is because we are playing a higher caliber opponent. So naturally, we will have a...
It is not up to Miles or LSU whether we play night game or not. If CBS picks LSU for 2:30, we have a contractual obligation to play at 2:30. It...