Just don't see how we beat Ohio state.
It's amazing that Cruz has been able to convince some that he's a moderate. The dude is very impressive and apparently very smart but his record...
Me too
Cruz is your guy then. Biggest tea party guy in the election.
Call me crazy, but ultimately, I think he ends up at LSU.
Actually no, it couldn't, but keep believing what you believe rather than actually looking into it.
No doubt. I like Kasich. Rubio is okay but just rubbed me the wrong way last night. Cruz is a wolf in sheep's clothing and Trump is just a nut...
Really? He's actually a self proclaimed socialist. He would go single payer on healthcare and that's just the tip of the iceberg. I would...
Oh yeah. And, yet another man brought down because he was chasing poon. It's a story as old as time.
You've proven my point. He could cure cancer and implement mandatory blowjobs on fridays and you guys would all complain.
He still wouldn't have to do a background check under this order unless he's a dealer primary engaged in the act of selling guns to buy money.
No, read the executive order. Unless his primary goal is to make money by buying and selling guns, he doesn't have to do a background check....
Not sure what to root for here. surely Bernie can't win a presidential election if he wins the primary but dear god, the thought of him as...
How is it eroding rights? Because now everyone has to do background checks and can't slip through the back door. Are you for or against...
No only when I ask to tell me how this infringes on rights and get no response. Because you can't even explain specifically why you disagree with...
I love how anyone who agrees with even a tiny bit of what a democrat thinks is a liberal. I didn't vote for him, and wouldn't today. I've voted...
Amazingly enough your views always line up with the fox news crowd. My views don't, yet I'm the one who can't think for myself.
I went to a game a year or two ago. Really cool stuff. None of those guys have lost their fire. They were diving at grounders and running out...
By the way, we'll never agree. My only point is to open your eyes a little and take things for what they are and not what you've been told is bad...
Probably true, but what he did certainly didn't take away someone's right to own guns so why is this such a big issue that he has to defend his...