This guy sounds like a quack but oz is just a con man.
Yep, knew we'd get him.:rolleyes:
Scott committed.
Did he actually do that on the show, or just claim to do it?
When I read them I don't fake laugh. That's all that matters.
If you're on twitter, you have to follow DPRK news. If you're not on twitter, you have to sign up for twitter, and only follow DPRK news. Here's...
I look forward to it.
Did we just flip to Russian? @shane0911 wanna help me out here.
It's a joke dude. I bet you're a blast at parties.
Just trying to stoke it a bit.
It's shukran dumbass
Unfortunately, I just don't see it.
You may be right. I didn't mean to imply he fixed it. How about, "made wholesale changes"?
I find rubio to be more and more annoying each debate. He repeats the same shit over and over.
I don't disagree.
Dude, he passed perhaps the largest overhaul to our healthcare system ever. He didn't have much time after that. Or much capital.
You got me figured out. :rolleyes:
I'm not so sure politicians get in there and then decide to change into an "establishment piece of garbage". It's like Obama, with Guantanamo....
Trump is accusing Fox News of being bias against him, the leader in the polls for the republican nomination, and has turned once beloved Megyn...
Exactly. People prefer the bombastic posture of Trump rather than the reality of the situation.