Fans see it that way. coaches and players don't.
I think he's making a point that the fan base is spoiled and feels entitled to have him on the team. Apparently people on other sites were taking...
Believe what you want and say what you want, but don't think recruits don't read it.
This has always been rubios weakness but you can't look at how people run, you have to decide their actions to determine how they'll govern.
Very interested to see how rubio Cruz and bush do.
The reason he soured on LSU was people talking sh** on message boards just food for thought.
You joke but I think we're going to be damn good next year. If someone lays me odds, I'll bet we make the playoff.
We signed three linebackers and have a couple of others that could be OLB's in a 3-4 defense. I agree, we needed more. I wanted 5, but 3 isn't...
Dude, I feel ya. But honestly, check out some other boards. This place is a ray of sunshine comparatively speaking.
yeah, 3rd best recruiting class in the country. We should fire our whole staff.
Still only single user though right. I can't watch something in one room while someone watches in the other.
It's only gonna get worse with the way we communicate these days. When my son is at the dating age, I'm going to tell him if he ever breaks up...
Didn't even call the coaches. I gotta imagine when these guys get older, especially if they don't make it to the NFL, they realize how they acted...
Nah, he was camel jawing, not sniffing.
No way Carson drops out after new Hampshire.
Saw rubios speech. He's definitely hitting the adderal hard. He's got cotton mouth like a mofo.
63:1 or one out of 64. Your math is right but you're saying it wrong.
Don't remember. Not abita.
I stated it above. 63:1
I'm still waiting to pop my cherry.