Great, then we agree Yeah, fuck him. I spend an extra $1k per month on health insurance now. trust me, I don't like the guy. However, he did...
Wait, I want to take guns away, now I only want criminals to own guns. You guys literally can't think for yourselves. It's honestly pretty scary.
I respect you shane and you're not this stupid. I have a stance and that stance is that closing loopholes where some people who sell lots of guns...
How has he infringed on anyone's constitutional rights. You still haven't answered. I'm glad I got you to read it. I don't really give a...
Not really a new law. Pretty much a clarification of other laws to close loopholes.
Not concerned about him at all actually. His "crimes" don't seem like a big deal. By contrast, I spoke out about Jonathan martin. That kid was...
Yes, those are usually the best prospects.
Are you worried that you're not smart enough to see when he actually takes away your guns. Why does closing loopholes in existing laws mean not...
Right, so closing up loopholes in the way others buy guns shouldn't be an issue. You won't be affected at all by this.
You still haven't showed where this infringes on your rights. Your argument has changed sevral times as I bring up new points. You sound like...
Trying to improve the system by hiring more people is bad. The FBI is in shambles? Since when? so you think individuals should have background...
The NRA fear mongers to the weak minded. Case in point, I've asked anyone in this thread to point to a specific item in the executive order that...
No, but the NRA is an awful organization. And I'm pro gun.
So what's the downside of making sure that people who are selling lots of guns get licensed and perform background checks? Maybe it stops one...
How does this go after law abiding citizens. How does it impact them in any way? Okay, so what. Does that make the executive order wrong. I'm...
I didn't vote for him and Obamacare costs me a bloody fortune but he's right on this.
A couple of things. First, the problem is that folks aren't registering as gun dealers who are gun dealers. I agree that an individual who sells...
Yesterday I got around to reading the executive order that Obama issued on firearms. I also watched the town hall meeting last night and it...