Nice effort DJ Keep em coming please.
I made this goofy ass bet with my uncle from Mississippi on the Ole Miss / LSU game this year (and of course lost). The bet was that the loser...
Someone commented that the upper deck restricted sunlight needed to grow the grass. For what it is worth.
Tubby sits out this off season. Mid year next year he will be the talk of ADs looking for a quick fix for their programs. "Hey lets fire our...
I think he played/coached there in the past
My face would look a lot like Texas Tigers if that happens. Maybe just a little more angry
Is this the writing on the wall we have been looking for?
I think this is the first game in a while a team can not stack 9 on the line and dare us to throw it. I think Scott has a good game running it...
Took my 6 year old daughter to the game last week. I could not get her off the indian mounds. Must have been 200 kids sliding down the hills on...
Quinn has been a nice surprise this year.
I think a lot of people will agree that most people on the defensive side of the ball did not show up this year. Do we think that is due to the...
There is talk that Alexander could get a 6th year. That would help shore up the DL. We also need someone to step up at linebacker. A lot of...
Thank you Veterans and family members of Veterans. My family sleeps well at night in this great country under the blanket of security your...
Hopefully Peterson will stick around to play with his brother. I believe his brother will be a freshman when Peterson is a Senior.
At this rate keep the 7 just ice please
Beer? This requires Crown
This does not sound like something Miles would say.
I may have to deal with it, but i do not have to like it.
Sounds like even Nebraska is concerned with his temper on the sidelines
How about I go to work tomorrow and make money, you quit your job and I will send you half my check. No excuses needed.