Clip from the John Daily show. Obviously there are differences but this is funny (or sad)....
So we can all agree that ACORN is a corrupt organization, thus not trustworthy to spend our tax dollars?
Anyone know what two companies have the new suites in the Box this year?
Such a loving, caring religion...
They may not be "giving" LSU any love, but that is the good thing about college Basketball... There is a tournament and you can "earn" all the...
Bush was at least straight with us regarding his stance on the "war on terror". We are going to proactive versus reactive. Offense versus...
I agree with most of the scenarios and our reactionary posture as it pertains to terrorist in the article. But Aviv's character is questionable....
The article says he was taken NSD in while at his uncle's house in Omaha. LSU has a little support in that town. Never know.
In high school, everyone knew that one kid that had the most talent (potential) out of anyone, but never worked very hard to succeed on the field....
unfortunately I am traveling to Vegas today for some meetings, but this is a conversation I would like to have on this board. We have a pretty...
If someone other than Dale Brown would have said it they would have been criticized. Someone like... say Don Imus?
Red, Again I agree there is waste in the DOD budget. A budget that big you can always find ways to be leaner. I think we should pay our troops...
So great, now we lob a cruise missile every once in a while and call it an offensive campaign. Not my idea of taking the fight to the enemy....
I like DRC too. Simple and to the point
I am sure DOD has wasted money and their are R&D weapons and equipment that will never see the battlefield. There is probably 10 or even 20% you...
I do not know if $512 billion is a lot or a little for our defense, but I am growing concerned with a string of his actions as they relate to our...
Arrived in Columbus, Ohio at 11:30 last night. 18 - snow - ice and OSU fans SUcks
I do not think that is off topic. That is the point. Citigroup already put significant money down and signed an airtight contract. Obama,...
OK... As I have stated in other post, I did not vote for Obama; however, I am rooting for him to do so good that I do vote for him in the next...
The company bought the jet 2 years ago when they were flush with cash. The media made it sound like they made the purchase after receiving tax...