My wife went to Kansas State and played in the band and we hope we meet one day in the Cotton Bowl to see what happens. (She will be in purple...
Okay, cool. Sorry I misunderstood. They must be so proud. On Father's day do you get nothing at all or do they take the effort to gift...
Good lord, is your son adopted? Does he have red-hair? I can accept that your son would understand if you showed up in Purple and Gold is he...
No way we send those trophies back because USC will try to get their grubby little hands on them and then strut around as "National Champion."...
It will be better acoustically for the entire stadium, no doubt about that. Will the poorer seats (for viewing) affect the band? They spend so...
Urban Meyer wants to be a Tiger when he grows up. Specifically, Les Miles is his hero.
LuvinLes says:
No way in hell Essie hires him: 1. He was accurate, incisive and rational; 2. His opinion was not biased toward USC, the Upper Midwest and the...
I really thought Mauck was a senior who graduated and had to choose between dental school or something and going pro. I honestly don't remember...
In Les I trust. To quote and re-iterate Atlanta Bengal "You can't complain with the staff Miles has brought in since arriving." I say just...
The '03 was really special, but for me this one was better for several reasons. 1. It capped the single most exciting and most enjoyable...
Wow! I hope this is a hoax. I actually exchanged a couple of e-mails with Meyer after we beat them (complimenting Tebow's effort as a skeptical...
Well, at least ESPN is already saying we have to start the season with USC at #1, AGAIN. I mean what is the USC motto, "start at number #1,...
tOSU played with great heart. I admire them now a lot more than I did before the game. It is a class program and I am glad we had to beat them...
You know what makes the whining and crying roll off my back this time when I was really ticked when we won the title for the 2003 season?...
In 2003 I was 41 years old, had waited my entire life just to play in a clear national title game in football or basketball, and said for two...
My favorite part of the Kiper proclamations was when he said the ONLY Georgia player that would start at USC was the kicker -- which explains why...
I love these pictures -- downloaded several. Hope that is okay? If not I will delete them from my Mac. Will not use them in a post on another...
"tOSU's big win against PSU, getting pasted by TAMU" That's twice this week somebody wrote off Joe Paterno as dead when he is alive, kicking...
As my Pop (who had a thing for South Louisiana and refused to move northward, even within the state) used to say: Everybody north of Baton...