until all the animals are gone. but hey money into the community is important too. And I really dont care about this Lion, but man what a stupid...
im sorry man, but thats paranoia in a sense. They could happen with everything. they ticket me for not wearing a seatbelt, no car insurance, etc....
yes the ability to shoot up the theater and church, etc.... the people who are going to see a movie lose something as well, right?
are you against domestic spying?
if they are a danger to themselves or society, i dont care what the lose. they shouldnt have the ability to buy a gun, but all to often, they can.
thats just not true. im not for more gun laws on able bodied citizens, but more laws to track mentally ill people are needed.
tell that to the folks who lost love ones.
thats not true, why have any laws if thats the thought process.
some policies can change behavior.
mental health, black white, chinese, it doesnt matter. mental health and the access they have to guns.
had call my sister, she takes my niece and nephews to that theater all the time.
dont do it
i like it.
they probably changed the name, this was in 98.
couldnt have said it better.
18 moved into an apartment down the street from the fieldhouse on Alaska Ln
the neck tie is a beautiful piece of accessory.
not mine and i doubt it shapes yours, you are a thinking person, dont buy into narratives.
find a purple suit in my closet and i'll buy you a custom suit from Hugo Boss