then why is he leading, republicans cant be this shallow.
too easy trick question? or rhetorical why would they issue such a thing, let the chips fall as they may. same with the democratic party, its...
should be fun
lol, he is 4 and reads at a pretty high level, but not that fast. the problem with early reading is, you cant get shit over on him. he will read...
not at all, we use to do that with the kindle and i started a bookcase for him, so he pulls books from the case, his choice and him and his...
FDR Mandela Osama-changed security in the world forever
if so, one player doesnt make or break LSU.
i doubt it.
he'll be back
true, but i make my kids work for everything, even at this young of an age. I make the oldest one read 3 books daily for kindle or ipad time.
slow day
sadly im guilty.
couldnt agree more, i always do lunch with my boys and my dad after church.
God Bless the family of the police officer killed in Memphis, terrible tragedy and I hope they find this scum.
look at you making sense today.
Don't think they prosecuted but the gun looked real
Also its different in the way cops treat minorities in a sense. Cops are dicks to all people. But 7 out of 10 times you and i get stop and...
But he didnt speed off his foot hit the gas after he was shot. I call a spade a spade. Just like in the Mike Brown case he brought his death on...
More idiotic nonsense from you.