you are growing as a person, lol
its funny that you think thats how classification and declassification works. but carry on.
no, what I am saying is that it fitting that the IGs office is an independent agency when they are investigating Hillary, but conservatives decry...
difference is Obama would have not been considered with Trumps past.
and he is doping.
when it suits people yes.
did you actually read the article? Donald...
intellectual dishonesty. i like it! say it enough until people believe it.
i agree
that make sense to me.
im sure you think he is a great candidate for President despite what he has supported in the past.
silver spoon. but lets keep the Donald going, its like a comedy routine, he is running out of jokes though.
you sure?
stalking, plain and simple. This was a meticulous plan of a crazy bastard.
thats a sharp blade you have hairs are finely split, nice job.
which Bush, id love to talk about today, but the Republican candidates keep talking about how great Reagan was.
yet, you can quote all of them using his name. Yet, he signed an amnesty bill into law.
never been to one, you?
signed Reagan