how would you know that and continue to make racist statements, you will continue to be ignored.
exactly what I said in my post earlier in this thread about the Black Lives Matter movement, I am not a fan and they are terribly misguided.
Ohio St LSU Oregon Auburn
whos disputing that and he has said as much. That doesnt mean they dont do bad.
heard this on NPR the other day, this is bullshit.
So Obama should pat police on the back for some of their recent actions?
so that mitigates how police act towards young black men?
that was not your point, you set up a false premise that the rhetoric and OBama was the cause of this officer getting killed because he was killed...
Ive said a thousand times Brown caused his own death.
No post for the trooper last week in Louisiana. Black lives matter responsible for that? Fucking hypocritical pieces of shit on this fan site.
Bullshit. The trooper in Louisiana last week was shot by a white guy. What's your stupid ass excuse for that. Or the charleston shootings. Foh....
Best defensive player I've ever seen
Chapelle at a show in Connecticut
huh, thats a democractic party platform his just recited. you guys are really confusing.
its not the point, its just a horrible idea. It was a veil hint at the taxation policies of the bible, which had nothing to do with the founding...
im clear what the translation was, but the metaphor is pretty bad.
Carson said in the first debate that tax policy should be based on the church and tithing system and that God fella knew what he was talking about.
depends on where its originated and what kind of classification. no, of course not.
of course it does, we are talking about qualifications. Being the president is a mix of temperament and intelligence. bush was a cowboy and obama...
no they cannot. and you talk about Reds understanding of the subject. shameful.