how is that going to help NASCAR?
true for politicians, how about the CEO of NASCAR and Walmart, what advantage do they gain?
but when did i do any of that. again I have already said pulling a flag down wont change the past. secondly, republicans and or defenders of...
What exactly do folks want, tough talk? Because war isnt an option for Russia. So lets all talk tough with one another.
Ive already spoken on unity, im talking about heritage here and those are my thoughts on it. Yes culpable, those ancestors made those decisions....
You wont see me praise him
I thought we were talking about Jefferson Davis?
Farrahkan should be vilified more. He had a major hand in the death of Malcolm X, when he embraced white people as equal after his trip to Mecca...
white guys do preach this kind of thing. David Duke got a considerable amount of votes in Louisiana as recent as the 1990s for the governorship....
Fighting for civil rights and hate speech are 2 different things. The people of topic was Farrakhan, who is pretty much labeled a racist and...
I agree people should recognize behavior and intervene. People have become immune to mental illness and its really not a great idea to ignore it.
I think its a little different, the founders were flawed for sure, but the framework wasnt. And what is the point of the Jefferson Memorial?
pure nonsense. The federal government and FBI created a special unit to tackle and take down black hate groups, panthers, new black panthers, etc....
no and I have said that it wouldnt change things over night, but think of how it can change minds of how government and more importantly the...
sometimes i get tired of talking about this shit honestly. Some opinions here really floor me. I feel like Bristol Palin, so misunderstood.
what a stupid statement.
Its what the tragedy is about that makes it meaningful. Did you read Roofs manifesto? As i said its the gesture, black people dont want to hear...
confused by 9 people being killed in church ? or ?
This is a cop out. Noble or not, they were on the right side of the fight and many died as a result. I'll take that over if the intentions were...