Thiel isn't going to play QB on the next level anyway (unless it's a tiny school) so it doesn't really matter.
Being from a city that is about as far south as you can go on the west coast of Florida, I resent that.
I don't know why, but it seems like everyone is in love with Rondo. He really isn't as good as hyped up to be. He doesn't have a jump shot and...
I think Sparks is the only good player on the team, what about you? But we should win if Voogd plays enough. But seriously, I don't see anyone...
I just got a call from one of my buddies, says that Al Woods is thinking about jumping on board and commiting. Hopefully more to come...
DH'ing tonight, 8th in the lineup. Sorry if already posted.
We're already doing a fabulous job of that right now.
Tyrus had his best dunk of the year. Holy sh*t he got up therre.
Liuzza hits 3rd by default. If Bogany really does have 20 HR power then he might move there if Matt struggles. Bogany seems like he will be a real...
Clarence Ward, the safety in 2005. He had some type of legal trouble or something like that, ended up commiting to FSU.
Anyone else wanna take a stab at the lineup? 1. Sprowl LF 2. Bogany CF 3. Liuzza C 4. Harris DH 5. Stewart RF 6. Waguespack 1B 7. Hollander SS 8.... Read about him a little there.
Not really and apparently he got caught up with some bad people and had some family issues, so he is inclined to leave the state. We can make up...
OL should be fine, I don't know why Don has him so low, but Alex Williams looks like a stud at tackle, as does Matt Nader and Tray Allen out of...
Charles Scott is more than fast enough, guy is going to be great.
Someone has it right. :)
Keiland IS coming to LSU.
Stop. Worrying. About. Keiland.
Here is one our newest Tigers: [img]