I am not worried about big men our problem is that our guards cant cover anybody. Inside we will be fine.
Of our signees does anybody know who has yet to qualify. Just trying to see who might have to go Juco.
Talking about players that never panned out what about Fess Irvin I was just a kid but I remember all the hype.
I disagree. If you look at what vincent did a year ago. Neither of those two backs compare he will be back this year!
NO the Ap will vote that USC should be the outright champs!
how about a 6'7" one in TaZ he is on the way the kid can play. He can play outside he just hasn't really had the opportunity in High school!
That is great news!
I agree he is going against everybody else because he wants to be a TIGER. Come on Ricky I believe in you!
Yeah when you get to Oxford you realize Indiana is not too bad! I got a feeling already that Orgeron is telling kids anything he can to get them...
CParso what do you mean? Did he leave ??? I havent heard anything!
When a kid wants to be a Tiger, I want him to be a tiger. His dad needs to think about what is best for Rickey, not for the daddy!!
The three that signed was Ryan, Rj and Lafell. 3 great prospects. We also had Powe for a while. I think Les did a great job. Not only did he...