AMEN!! F-them all.:mad:
These *******s are making me sick!! Is anybody watching this crap? LSU bashing like I have never seen. Nothing but love for ALA and OR though....
Hear Hear. These next games will take us down the stretch of a special season of LSU football. I have a feeling we are going to finish strong....
I used to have a loathing, despising hatred for the Trojans, still do but they are not my top dog on my list anymore since falling on the sword....
I cannot believe it is possible, but I have even lesser respect for the ALA program than I did before this game. The lack of acknowledgement of...
Guess what, I believe they will be losing again next year in our house. LSU will be even better next year. :hihi: :hihi:
This was what I took from his silly show yesterday as well. Though I was surprised his stance concerning the interception, kick hitting wire,...
Let the whining begin in high gear. Should be funny but nauseating. :hihi: Paul Finebaum Radio Network
Love it! Keep talking Gumps! I am certain Bama made even more college football fans dislike them and their arrogance. Love it!
Their arrogance is nauseating. We've beaten them 2 years in a row, including in their house, at night with the nation watching, against their best...
No work for me this week. I put in for this week off nine months ago. :hihi:
I never verbally make statements like, "We are going to slaughter these sons of bitches!" or "they do not have a chance!", because we always seem...
Nice job, good breakdown.
ESPN needed someone to gush over every season after USC fell on its sword. It has obviously turned to the Gumps these past few years. Though my...
Is this guy still drinking at 4:48 in the morning? The link he put in his post even makes him sound out of it. :dis:
YEAH!! 100 Slaps - YouTube
Well, to all of the Gump poster with their cornucopia of current and historical statistics, records past and present, facts and data, thanks for...
Quote: Tappy said.... First and foremost, I would like to...
I usually do not take alot of stock in what the Gumps say about their team. The "no one can beat us" mentality runs rampant and constant in their...
I have been pumping this kid since the beginning! He is as much a weapon as Ware, TM7, RR, ect. to our team. He will have another great game...