Oh well. I cannot seem to attach pictures.
This. Man, who cares.
13-0 and one to geaux!...
Not sure if this has been posted yet. He would probably still miss. http://p.twimg.com/AeYp_t5CEAA8V6Z.jpg
Do not ban them!!! Let's not stoop to their level and "blanket ban opponents' fans from our boards because we do not like any disparaging...
This. Top spot without a doubt. What shocks me so much about the Gumps fanbase is they seem to want to alienate any new possibly fans of their...
Good idea.
Are we still kicked out of their sandbox? Reading some of their crap this morning and see some are posting on LSU's message boards. Man, they...
What is being said now and what will be said on Jan. 9th will be two differeent things.
Same here. It is hard to believe a team could play so bad in the first half and roll a team like we did by the end. That said, GA had our number...
Mine too. Lets do this thing and move on. :crystal:
That was my intention to begin with. Thanks.
Jesus christ!! You are brainwashed. You want to say Nick Saban made perfectly good coaching sense going for all those field goals? I watched...
They banned me 8 minutes after posting this this morning. What a ridiculous bunch of wooses!! Oh well, I am done with that site. Hope they...
LSU Fans Still Banned at Tidefans.com Unbelievable. I want to play these fools again and gutstomp them. My last post with them today below:...
No you said: Ok...let me drop some reality on you. WE GOT LUCKY AGAINST BAMA!!!!! and: But we got VERY lucky and I can easily see how someone...
Wow...that gave me goosebumps...the hairs on the back of my neck are standing up...I think I've got a....
That is old news in my opinion...does not relate to this game. Arkansas is going to play us tough, do not doubt it. They have just as much to...
Well said my friend. I am thoroughly enjoying this season. What a ride! What's next? Oh yeah, the #3 team in the nation. Bring them on!!!!...