This. If you're Penn State, no way can you promote from within. You can't prove that any coach retained had absolutely zero knowledge of the...
I didn't see it so I can't comment directly about it. I will say this though: Yes. The NFL has made life a WHOLE lot easier for QB's and WR's...
Sounds like a bright guy, that Chris Carter. :thumb:
I was surprised as well that they didn't miraculously reverse it for no damn good reason like they did two years ago.
Agreed. It wasn't covered up so that JoePa could surpass Bowden. Remember, it wasn't long ago when PSU was in the middle of a 4-year long...
Agreed. That's pathetic that the university would allow ANY of those involved in this so much as an extra second affiliated with the...
If they continue to an "East/West" format, I honestly believe Auburn will eventually shift to the east, remain the cross-division rival of Bama...
Those were tears from the frat boys!
That sh*t don't work! ....I've tried! ;)
I believe the official word on Mizzou's division location was "initially in the east". So nothing is set in stone for a long period. They'll...
With the payoff he got for that ruling, he probably had an early retirement immediately following the game.
My top 5 most hated non-conference teams would be: 1.) USC 2.) Oklahoma 3.) Boise St. 4.) Miami 5.) Virginia Tech *Honorable...
Love your avatar, BTW! Makes me want to blow that thing up to get a detailed looksie! :hihi:
But wasn't that on the replay official?? I mean, the crew on the field obviously missed it, but I'll admit that it might have been difficult to...
That's what I was wondering... :confused:
Don't care. Means nothing to me. However, it makes you sound like a 12 year old imbacile.
Did you just refer to yourself in the 3rd person??? :shock:
This article, while interesting for conversation, is so objective it isn't even funny. Face it, there are going to be biased voting in this....