Do we rest any question marks till the playoffs? Or do we go balls to the wall and try to win out?
Who knows GB might not make it to the NFCCG. They look like isht last week. The team is starting to get hurt WR and OLineman starting to drop like...
I get it the colts suck, just not that funny. And if u didn't notice I was acting like u were stuck in09 (that's called being sarcastic back) I...
The question I have is why do the leaders of NK want their people to be so dumb and out of touch with the rest if the world? What are they gaining...
I'm not saying that EVERY BB is rich just the top 1% of the country and most of them just happen to be BB. If you think different then you are...
Turned out to b a good game!
Ask yourself who is running this country for the past 10-20 years? Boomers have screwed everyone over. CEO's, politicians, judges etc etc = baby...
Where's the closest Beef o bradys @ isht looks good!
Same here my wife’s mom won a meatball contest in Philly. She uses beef, veal and pork. I juggle three at a time and eat them like apples. :hihi:
Maybe we draw GB first, I hope not.
Poor guy stuck in 09, let it go man. Time to move on bra...
Yeah you right!
Glengarry was awesome! Put that F’n coffee down. :hihi:
Don’t get to excited about a preseason defeat. Kobe looks to be in midseason form. PG is nailing 3’s now and AB is meaner then ever with winning...
Les said he likes lil Wayne!
Just sat down who fumbled and how?
That's what I told him, he seems to have a mental block.
Calm down, breath ok. No ones starting rumors. Put the knife down Brooks Hatlen. I asked for inside info if you don't have any then do the letters...
This post was for you to read not reply bc you obviously have no inside info on the situation.
Jake Delhomme would have been proud! ULL has a pretty good QB, not as polished as Jefferson but good none the less. SDSU, didn't Marshall Faulk...