This is so painful to watch.
Here is a vote for Herman. I just don't want to have to worry and deal with the kind of crap that went on at FSU.
I am not a big enough booster or on the LSU staff so I won't claim to know.
I am late to this thread but great original post TexasTigers. I was extremely frustrated after the beat down by Ole Miss and my catch phrase for...
Agree on ESPN. They are just trying to generate more 'news'. reports that Les will hold a team meeting this afternoon.
Diarse needs to catch the damn ball.
This ref crew definitely wants Les fired.
I am going with a very strong beer... Kentucky Breakfast Stout can sometimes take the edge off of intense frustration.
Don't forget you are a grossly fat slob Verne.
Hey it beats reading the other threads on this board. I find the others depressing.
Geez, I need to remember to check this thread more often. Page 143 had some nice additions.
'Not ready to play' is a meaningless cliché in my book. We lost because Bama played better than us in every way.
They sure picked a beautiful patch of dirt for their pregnancy photo.
Sad but probably true.
I rarely get to watch anything other than LSU games. But the pieces I have seen of their D in the TAM, Ole. Miss, and Tenn game has certainly...
I thought the Game of the Century was in 2011. I remember liking the regular season but really can't recall anything else.
Wasn't Bama undefeated in the first game of the century? Seems like they have lost to a two loss team already this year.
Even though I think I know more about football than him sometimes, your statement is correct.
Great pics MasterMind. Thanks for sharing what looked to be a great time.