I remember being frustrated with Landry a few times but not to the extent you describe. Sure never considered him lazy. We are talking about the...
Count me among those who do not see his football intelligence this year. Bad angles get you killed in the NFL and I can't imagine him being...
Stacey -- Sounds like a discussion I could have with my son. Love your spirit and your daughter's obvious predispostion to all things LSU. It is...
Last page of Mandel's column today has the Tubs getting mad on video....
I don't believe Patterson will do much more than listen. He has a great setup out at TCU and will probably be able to parlay this interest into a...
Here in Dallas, I am just getting tired of hearing how the Bama team is going to face their toughest test of the season this week. I know it is...
I sense that Reid wants to be the badass leader of the D and this drives him to stupid decisions/penalties. Lots of drama with that kid which is...
9 point dogs in Death Valley at night?? A little more motivation for our Tigers.
Aren't the Hog fans under the same Gruden delusion?
Agreed, and if you take away their cash cow of pot, they will have trouble financing the production of meth.
Saban sure wouldn't have a lot of film of us throwing to the TE so that would surprise him. So I am calling a play action seam route to Clement...
I was never a fan of JJ but his scrambling ability was clearly an asset that we don't have this year.
Crimson blood flowing down the bayou may not improve the crawfish next year. But that's ok cause all I want to do is BEAT BAMA!!