I think he is on the way out fairly soon for what it is worth.
Roll Damn Tide
Kiffin until I hear different. I said this back during the HC search. LSU is also doing their due dilligence in case something changes. Still...
I don't think Sark is the next Bama OC...Heard recovery not going too well.
True, he wants to be a HC but a top tier HC. Would be surprised to see him land at Houston. Lane wants to coach for the playoff but likely wont...
Looking good for LSU at this time.
I have heard the same...looking really good for Les right now and heard he wants it.
Not sure...I know that sign on the dotted line type of terms are usually used often when involving any new coach or whatever but the way I...
Contracts are usually brought to the board a certain times during the year. Next one likely after the season. Could probably sign a term sheet or...
Only thing on Sark I have heard was that Les was turned down by him. We haven't even reached out for him as an analyst since O has been HC.
Just because he asked for 10 years doesn't mean he expected to get that. Likely negotiating high to move up from a 6 year to 8 year or somewhere...
I would of heard if Sark was offered by LSU and his name hasn't come up at all. Will see if I can find someone who can confirm what the Bama...
Believe he has already been contacted before today.
Applewhite hates LSU...always has since HS. He would have to eat a lot of shit from his buddies here if he ever coaches here. Applewhite...
Probably so but I think he lets his ego dictate his decisons too much. Hell he may have a equal or better shot at taking a big OC job and sneakin...
We shouldn't be but this must be a result of Alleva being taken advantage of one too many times so there new strategy was deadlines to add...
Peveto is gone based on what I heard and that would be with any hire we made.
Curious to other feelings on this...could you see Kiffen taking a Houston like job or is his ego too big for that? He hasn't been offered a big HC...
That sounds about right and about where LSU would of been willing to go to. On one end I am glad we didn't get into losing battle and raise his...
Correct...i mentioned the incentives above. That is the true value. FSU will be paying even more for Jimbo than we would of if he gets his wish...