That was the hold up with my wife...that wasn't meant to be an insult. I swear. Can buy a Roku or similar device from Best Buy, Office Depot,...
I have Roku 3 on two of my tvs and a Roku 4 on another. The sticks are cheaper options with fewer features and capabilities. Roku 3 are probably...
Stay off the carbs (Wheat/Flour) since you are feeling much better. I know the feeling and didn't realize how intolerant I personally am to eating...
I personally like Roku better myself and have used both. Roku 3 in my opinion is better than the rest even the Roku 4 with 4K capability (have...
If you signed up you were set to auto check Yahoo to see your team yet?
My main league has guys from all around but mainly BR. However, we require almost all the time that everyone show up. We have guys flying in from...
I managed to get all my picks in while doing baby duty/work. I like my team. Julio Dez D. Freeman Cobb L. Murray D. Walker Bortles E. Sanders...
I will look around but in CBS league the commish has that option.
Both have to be cold for me...crave that shit. Hot sausage and cold zesty mustard...i could go on and on.
Good luck and thanks for the notice.
You could do auto even have the option to go and set your picks in order and auto draft will pull from that list.
That is the only reason I wanted the Discovery channel I had to stream it through the website. However, Roku just got that entire family...
I have heard that random buffering has been an issue. Must be a server overflow issue. Reports that doesn't matter what device you use, etc...
Redzone is going to be on Vue and Sling this season. Heard Twitter was streaming 7 Thursday night games too. I assume Yahoo will stream a London...
That is a lot of bonus points. Any decision on how the waivers will work? Hopefully can't pick up during or directly after games like it has been...
Good with me
I could do Wednesday or Thursday as well. Preferably after 8:00 so can get the kids to bed.
Can we move the draft if possible? August 28th is booked for me. Could we do the next day. Late Monday? Or any other day that week?