Tuscaloosa, where Auburn has never lost. And yeah, we heard that UT's run D was going to be All-World too. Best defense Auburn played all...
Iron Bowl, yes. "Throw out the record books, anything can happen...yada yada freakin yada." From your POV, just look at the matchup. Name a...
Oh, we'll suck next year just as bad as this year, no doubt.
Dude, Auburn sucks ass and shouldn't be ranked near the top 20. I mean, they have "Tubberville" as their coach and he can't win jack crap. He's...
OU should not even have been in the championship game last year, much less this year. Who knows, maybe they'll lose their conference...
I definitely don't expect any pity over here, thanks though. And whatever LSU fans felt last year would not even come close to what Auburn fans...
Huh? The entire college football nation cares about it. This could end up deciding how useless the BCS system is...come on dude. Good luck to...
Just for comparison, how many top 10 teams has USC and OU beaten?
Hey Sooner, is OU playing better football than Auburn?
Double standard...go back and look at last year's LSU schedule (with the loss) and tell me that LSU was more deserving than Auburn. You're saying...
Don't get me wrong...the season isn't over. But it sure looks good for us right now, especially after you guys just got through chewing up UAT....
Coaches poll is killing us...that poll comes out before October.
I didn't mean any disrespect either. You were comparing Auburn's intensity to last year's LSU team. LSU was Auburn's letdown game but the...
If they don't get a playoff, they need to scrap the preseason polls. Last year was last year and it should not have any factor into the current...
And to think you guys were complaing last year about not getting enough credit and you had a regular season loss. Auburn's still undefeated with...
Keep up the intensity? Auburn's already done that. I guess you forget that LSU lost a regular season game last year and this year Auburn hasn't,...
Not even with uat sporting that #1 defense that they like to keep bragging about? I think uat is going to put up more of a fight than most...
Dude, you said too much...but the first part, nice call!! WAR DAMN EAGLE!!
I think LSU's D-line was pretty nasty last year. Our guys aren't bad, just new. We graduated a lot on the D-line from last year. I also think...
:rofl: :thumb: