Maybe because he won LSU a national know those crystal trophies that don't come around too often (yes, I know). You should...
You guys are acting like it's a federal crime that Saban has taken a better job...good Lord you should just be glad you had him at all. Get...
You're wasting your time and bandwidth here guys...the only thing Tuberville wants out of Baton Rouge is another victory cigar. :hihi: And as...
As if Tuberville would want to be at LSU!!!! He's putting together recruiting classes at Auburn just as good if not better than LSU. His team...
You better keep quiet with those facts and that other nonsense...wouldn't want any truth leaked out or anything. :D
Saban to Miami, Nutcliffe to LSU! See ya next year guys! :hihi:
Nope, the fans wanted CTT...the admin didn't and now look who's gone. Nice try though. :thumb:
Hey maybe you guys can entice him with a couple of boxes of cigars...I'm sure he'd leave stupid ol Auburn with a deal like that. :hihi: :thumb:
Oh I haven't laughed this hard in a long time...why would CTT go to LSU?? :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl:
Well that's good because I don't live in Auburn. :)
Took you long enough to google that up...way to work dude! :thumb:
See, you guys are great. I can always count on a good laugh over here. Keep it up guys. Good luck in your bowl game! Seriously. :) And...
Geeze...twenty bucks? Does that come with a waterford crystal egg? :wink:
It's actually 6, but hey, who's counting. :)
Ah thanks for thinking of me guys...I'll have to remember to cheer for whoever you guys are playing in whatever bowl game you guys made it in to....
Auburn will not blow out VT. VT has a very good defense as does Auburn. I don't see a whole lot of scoring in this game...under 35 combined I'm...
I think this is the first time that's ever happened...God forbid this ever happen to another SEC team. :dis:
Screw Auburn! They shouldn't even be in the top 20! :)
::cough:: ::cough:: :thumb: