Obama suggesting they go back to the 1967 borders is like Netanyahu calling Barack a N*****.
I'm 40 miles from Tiger Stadium. I win.
Because Obama threw him under the fking bus with his 1967 borders comment.
Tons of Obama videos out there.
Win, Win, Win...
You sell oil?
Can we send you boys out to recess so I can read this serious thread?
Let's get rid of Stud.
No sh!t. What do these people want?:eek:
Ummm...Right of Rush.
These people are looney toons. Even Colbert makes fun of them. Colbert Super PAC - Occupy Wall Street Co-Optportunity - Stephen On Location -...
JoPa gets told that his right hand man was seen corn holing a 10 year old in the AD showers and he moves on after reporting it? Sorry, not buying...
But he should have a friend in the US.
Always listen to the voice of reason.:hihi:
Plus, LSU is a better team.
The play calling wasn't horrendous. Bama was on it's game and nothing worked for us. I think the coaches eventually said "phuck it. Let's not do...
This is why I was so confident going into overtime. I told my friends to relax. Look at our red zone defense all night long.
92. I had a little trouble on a few holes. One was a 9.
I don't want to watch. They piss me off and ruin my Sunday.
I aim to please.