If only we had you coaching against Bama. Midget League Football: Triple Option Left - YouTube
I don't fight over women. Besides, I am not attacted to someone who can't spell.
Bush? So 2008.
You have to do a risk/benefit analysis. If he makes it he's 1st and 10 at his own 30. If he doesn't make it, game over. Survey says: Punt.
Your boy added $7 trillion to the deficit, so just be quiet.
Do all 10-0 team fans go through this angst? Geez, people. Relax!
More like naive youngster.
Obama wants to get his slimy hands all over their money. I don't blame them for "hoarding". Good conservative (small government) policies will...
No one is. He is this season.
It's hard. I still hold a grudge for 1967 through 2007.
I thought you were a feisty sort and I like that but you have just tinkled into my porte chambre.
So now there is a controversy? Way to gloss over the azz thumping I handed you. Read tigermark's post. It says it better than I ever could. The...
You have learned your lessons well, Grasshoppa.
Everyone on that show is an idiot. That is all.
He throws off of his front foot. He looked acccurate last night.
Whoa. Beat Nicholls State. Looks like we're good again.
You: There's a suspicion that there's more to playing Jefferson than just coaching decisions, like there's some sinister motive in benching...
If Scott has money then that's what this is all about. I'm surprised Gloria Allred isn't representing the "victim".
Talking about it and preparing the noose are 2 different things. Why must you read into this? Miles knows his team and he knows how to handle...
Gool ole Saints Prevent defense almost cost them another one. Good thing Mike Smith is a dumbazz.