"I see", said the blind man. :)
No one in their right minds would be opposed to that. The problem is those who demonize the use of fossil fuels when, in fact, those are our only...
So global warming has it's plusses. :thumb:
And, GOLLY, we might go undefeated in our 1st 10 games with a real QB.
Yes. Our defense is that good.
And a matador.
2 points for them, otherwise inconsequential.
Rules don't apply to dumbasses.
I still haven't had my garbage can knocked over by a polar bear.
Sexual harrassment of southerntgr fits right in with the topic.
And why is that? Miles doesn't only show up on game days.
Nope. They'll complain that Mett didn't get enough PT to prepare for next season.
Goes with the territory.
Be careful what you wish for. Set your goals at a Rose Bowl Championship. Apparently that's what Left Coasters see as the Holy Grail. Leave the...
And it appears you only have one boob.
How about subsidies for rich liberals? Your Tax Dollars Subsidizing Scottie Pippen, Ted Turner, and Jon Bon Jovi? - Tax Dollars - Fox Nation
The word "twat" comes to mind.
I was underwhelmed by her dumbness.
Because Oregon hasn't faced O-lines like you see around here. Think back. Size and speed. Remember? Be afraid. Be very afraid. You should...