Maybe Les knew something about Chavis' job security and the dual coordinator thing was a stop gap. No point in bringing someone in only to let...
It was time for Brady to go, but he received a ton of unfair criticism from the beginning of his tenure. Until Johnson shows, at least, some...
That's WAAAAAAY off: Rasmussen poll shows Gingrich with double-digit lead in Iowa « Hot Air
As long as they put their idocy in writing, I'm OK with it.
Is it the weather, the Beavers or both?
No. He's implying.
Goes back to Brady.
They like to cash in too.
We will never be able to compete with top programs for the program changing blue chippers. Our goal should be to be competitive with everybody in...
It's fairly obvious.
OK. I'll tighten my mentality.
We have to get ready for the next game; not next year.
You are setting yourself up for a huge disappointment. Then you will blame the coaches.
I figured it was something about the heat from the shower causing problems in the stratosphere.
Not to LaSalle. He only cares about frying his brain and seeing pretty colors.
But we gain monkeys and democrats.
That's your opinion. Mods shouldn't censor threads based upon personal beliefs.
I thought the title was "better than sex". I was going to say NO!
It's long and there are slow periods, but I see people that I don't ordinarily see, eat and drink a good bit and stock up on my cheap T-shirt and...