It's only Wednesday so, if you don't mind, we'll talk about stuff like this.
Thanks for the vid JTiger. Ignore tiga. He's a schiz.
Please. Let the loser play Boise State.
Russell Erxleben...Oh...wait.
Yes. Any defense of Obama and his failed administration would be hard to read. We're now a year away from the "get your ass out of the White...
You mean the SEC Tournament. Right?
Red, there is no need for such defense of Obama. He doth protest too much.
Excellent! I'm very uncomfortable with everyone telling these Tigers how great they are.
Don't want those boys back. Want some new ones.
I'll summarize in this thread. Everybody: Man made global warming is crap and politically motivated. Red: I have proven otherwise in a...
I don't need more spam.
Just goes to show fans are idiots no matter where you go. PP should have ignored them.