Tulane almost upset Oklahoma in their stadium the same weekend. Guess they did not get that memo.
His parents settled down in Diamondhead and in the early 1980s I knew his younger brother, who went to St. Stanislaus and was good friends with my...
As in...? [IMG]
The real reason LSU lost... [IMG] [IMG]
So draft eligibility is an NFL rule...the NCAA has no say in it at all. The NFL says a player is eligible for the draft when 3 calendar years...
Whoever wins it this year will likely have an asterisk next to it forever.
The game is still played on the field.
Anthony "Freak" Johnson got traded to the DC Defenders. Their roster now includes: Nick Brossette Malachi Dupre Sam Montgomery Anthony Johnson
Side note...took my wife to see these guys Saturday night. They opened with this gem: [MEDIA]
I think the discussion of Chaisson being "buyer beware" material is complete BS. Dude balled all year long and might have been the player whose...
No. No, I didn't. But feel free to pat yourself on the back anyway.
Maybe this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kopi_luwak
Alright...none of you got it exactly. It's an antique canon pinion puller or extraction tool used in watch repairs. A canon pinion is what...
Actually, it was the closest he could get to his castrated testicles that Orgeron keeps in a box in his top desk drawer.
He was mistaking the LSU vs Gooners score. Sad little man.
He was probably paid $1 million to wear his AFLAC jacket.
Not the best career move to switch from coaching this: [IMG] To this: [IMG]