Reed is currently listed as WR and was working out at Wildcat last season before getting injured. From my recollection, Reed suffered a deep...
Hmmmm .... same interview that Thayer was present for, but Thayer conveniently omitted the quote highlighted below. Pushing an agenda are we?...
I can definitely respect that. The way I always look at such stuff is that there's usually thee sides to every story. There's side A, Side B,...
Yep, .... and Old Glory is just a piece of cloth, right? [IMG]
Hope not , ... for I wish no ill will on those that are not responsible for such a reprehensible act. My personal feeling is that the Iron...
I agree. And if such acts are proven, I want them gone and those responsible punished. But until I see some evidence, versus innuendo from...
Harvey "Al" Updyke was arrested this morning. That's him on the far right in this picture, wearing the bama ballcap. The fella in the visor is...
I would agree, but regardless, this guy's likely to get a stiff sentence. Not only is it a felony, but the perpetrator is likely to be tried...
Really? ..... if all that innuendo is true, where's the beef? "Anonymous", unnamed sources rarely qualify as journalism. And really, when have...
If you are referring to the myth regarding Toomers Corner getting rolled when the Bear passed , I can assure you that never happened. There...
I don't disagree with you. In fact, I predict we will have 4 losses next season. My comments were regrading the offense. We led the SEC last...
now that there is funny as chit :lol: BTW, here's the caller "Al" on Finebaum: Paul Finebaum Radio Network
it's hard to watch what CFB is becoming :dis: linky: Toomer’s Corner oaks poisoned with herbicide; unlikely to survive | Wire Eagle AU...
let he who is without sin cast the first stone? :hihi: I find it humorous that anyone would consider gossipbybrooks to be a credible source...
just another blogger looking for hits on his website. you should pray they don't dig too deep into Lorio's affairs .... :wink:
JMO, but I don't think Auburn's offense is going to drop that much, while the defense will improve significantly. Regardless, it is Auburn's...
tusk, good job of describing the fantasy world you're livin' in, .... but just like Saban, you're still avoiding the questions, eh?
JMO, I do not believe it would be considered unethical to cut a player who is on a one-year, renewable scholarship when doing so for legitimate,...
our geographic advantage is highly underrated by the majority of fans in our own conference. In honest conversations I've had with fans from...
some were NQ's, yes, but many weren't, and that's the difference. Many SEC programs "oversign" a class with the understanding that there are...