Sure you can, you can explain why you think that person is ugly. I.E. fat, too skinny, blonde, red-head.
You can call me out. Put your money where your mouth is. Oh wait. you can't. See the difference between you and me is I can explain my actions...
then prove it. quote me with this mountain of evidence you have. Again, I don't have all day to spend on forums so I didn't know OP. If anyone...
You assumed I got butt hurt. You know what happens when you assume. I could really give a rat's ass if you or anyone else likes the article or...
very, show me where so I can correct myself.
where did I sugar coat? Didn't I say I hate sugar coating? Point it out. In fact you are the one sugar coating by saying OP, just call someone out.
Where you think he got the nasty from?:D
Who is the OP? In a symbolic gesture,...
It is not the people that actually need medicare that is creating the problem....
I am hard headed I will give you that. Insufferable, nah. There is however an ignore button if you would like to use it. Yet you still have not...
prove it but again shrewd is not a bad thing!
says who? Some one I never met. The bible, Matthew 10:16 "Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves". Shrewd is not a bad thing.
Much like every one of your post! Got it. The date for the Arky/LSU game has been set for Friday (after...
Seriously, put down the bottle. It is going to be alright.:p
The Bible doesn't tell you everything. Example: The Bible specifically leaves out when the world will end and says only God knows.
Hey GDF, Tell your team thanks! Very cool....
No, you didn't write it Martin.
I always love JJ quotes but as of right now it is simply not true....