BWAHAHAHHAHAHA this is gonna be funny if he makes the next one...
Ainge = MORON
THIS is why I love the SEC.....
What a waste of a timrout by Phil.
Karma is catching up to UT for that 21 point halftime comback in 05
Our SOS took a big hit tonight.
Yup, well NC State beat VT has an easy as hell path to the ACCCG to defeat BC
Seriously, WHO HAVE YOU PLAYED that is note worthy?
The possibility of Oregon jumping us scares me.
Islstl...settle the masses...what the hell is going to happen in the polls?
Thos tOSU game is still depressing me.
Why does Musberger use every possible opportunity to take shots at the SEC?
On no another 3rd down...I wonder whats gonna happen
another 3rd down....another conversion
Yea send me a PM and we'll talk.
OSU ain't turning the ball over anytime soon...PSU's D would actually have to resemble a defense to do that...
I've got OSU/PSU on my TV and UT/USCe on my laptop via Slingbox
same here
Did Herbie just call PSU's D very good?