Maybe they can use it to pump vaccines out!
We need to get the hell out of the Mideast. If whoever is in charge of those "shit hole" countries needs military assistance, give them...
Though it is crystal clear that Trump failed as a President and incited a murderous insurrection, it’s equally clear the Republicans in the Senate...
Congratulations Shane, you can now get that Covid test! China rolls out anal swab coronavirus tests, saying it’s more accurate than throat...
Well it actually discussed how block chain is migrating to social networks or social networks are migrating to block chain. It wasn’t historical,...
I know a lot of you hate The NY Times, but they have had a couple of articles on block chain recently. May or may not be behind the paywall. If...
While it is strange to agree with Pride, on this one, I’m all in. She broke numerous laws regarding the proper handling of classified material....
Yes, IPAD, too. Also came with a mic that I can give to the person I am talking too. Never used it.
"The idea that nothing will change the pandemic drew confusion and ire from figures in politics and the media." The fact that this group is...
The election is over, close this bitch down!
I wish you the best of outcomes and peace at all times. We will all be pulling for you.
Love eastern Tennessee.
Mine is a ReSound. I don’t know squat about hearing aids, but mine has a Bluetooth connection to the tv sound. That is the best thing going. My...
I’d say that Bill is covering fire from the crazy fringe leftists. Biden and the establishment can say, "Hey, we tried."
I have both a Medicare advantage plan from state and TRICARE for Life. I see who I want and pay nothing, after about mid-January. The vast...
If the Patriot Party siphons off the wackos, I will jump right back in to the centric GOP. While I like Biden, so many of the Dems are beyond...
You are right. I want to stop about him, period. Regardless this is wrong thread.
CALLER: Is this Pizza Delight? GOOGLE: No sir, it's Google Pizza. CALLER: I must have dialed a wrong number. Sorry. GOOGLE: No sir, Google...
Hmmmmm . . . Wasn’t all the evidence you needed presented by Ms Powell when stated she stated, “I’m going to release the Kraken," or Found on the...
That’s because I live in a fact based universe, not some conspiracy laced Alt world.