Can't be any worse than being Crowton'd!
This is the real problem!
I keep seeing Kragthorpe's name alot. I guess where there's smoke there's fire.
14 Is a bad dude. To be that cofident and that tough in that league as a Freshman is AWESOME! Looking forward to his 2011 highlight reel!
Excellent point!
I don't know about Leach. I'm not suggesting he's guilty or not. I just don't know if we need to take on all that "baggage" at this time.
Regardless of the charge, I think we can all admit, this was a bad decision by this young man. Speaking for myself, when I was 18, a 14 year old...
I agree, I think Shep quitely leads this team in many different ways. The most obvious way is without speaking a word.
I can't remember where I saw it, but someone wrote Kragthorpe would be considered.
All the best to you young man. Your hard work and dedication will serve tyou well. Thanks for giving some of it to us!
I think the news broke earlier in the day. Those of you in the BR area can confirm this. I only have ESPN available during the day to refer to so...
Les Miles staying at LSU "Les Miles will remain LSU's coach after talking with Michigan officials about the vacancy at his alma mater. LSU...
The ESPN source also reports that if offered, he'll take the job too.
Spencer Ware is a beast. He abused the faggies tonight!
It's been a helluva ride this year, but it's been a blast!
Great job. Those boys came ready to play!
Congratulations to LSU for puttin the beat-down on them Faggies! I said keep it going and stomp a mud hole in their azz at halftime and they put...
Stay after em Tigers and stomp a mud hole in their azz! RELENTLESS! TO THE END!
I think Peterson for outstanding "D" and a punt return for a TD!
Now there's a theory with some legs. In a way, that makes a whole lot of sense. Unfortunately.