Great article. I hate to see this guy getting bashed by Rooster fans as they are doing in the comments section below the article. But considering...
Herbie also thought it was a "Bad" call for +80% of fans that believe USC should have fallen out of Top Ten. Not shocking considering his love for...
Also the behavior of some individuals is affecting traditions that were established prior to their arrival. People who never earn anything are...
Someone can taunt you or say negative things about you. You have to decide how you respond to this. If you respond by showing your rear end, that...
I think that some people are missing the point. That is the students should police themselves. They should respect their university enough not to...
Prayer on the way. Just remember that anything we ask for in prayer, being God's will and not ours shall be given to us. God Bless
First of all Coach Miles cannot hear those childish rants because of two reasons: 1) On the sideline during the game you cannot make out such...
Colt's just missing to set up the fake.:hihi:
Most heart I've seen displayed since Joe Addai was here. No knock on TH though cause that guy sparks the team also.:thumb:
This classless act only insures the defeat of the clowns that perform it. Notice how well coached teams and superior athletes do not trash talk or...
I am the type of fan that believes that there is always hope. I will keep saying that they will get back into game before long and win it. I even...
It's not all your fault. Your wife is from Mississippi. He's just confused. Bring him over to my house and my daughters can teach him "Hey...
I like South Carolina in theis game, if it's not too late to pick.:hihi: I think it'll will be close at halftime but UK t/o's will aid USC. USC's...
Thanks, I don't want to be known as a copy cat, but I believe it's my favorite part also.:)
Contact Mr. V, we can ride together but he'll probably want to leave around noon. I'm in Morgan City and won't be back until Sat am. Give ole V a...
Good then maybe you can give me directions also:lol: I guess this means we won't be carpooling? When are you gonna be able to give directions?...
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't UF have one of their best D lineman suspended last year until the LSU game. CUM reinstated him for the game...
Although these rain games are getting a little old. I guess I could suffer through another one in exchange for another runaway victory. :helmet:...
I'll be waiting outside for your call. I wonder if they're going to park it in front of the visitor's locker room? I don't know if he can roar yet. :)
I agree with ya'll about the loudest games. UGA game in '03 also and Bama game in 79 when we lost to second #1 team we played that year(3-0). I am...