My biggest concern is that while we're kickin' the vols butts all my aggie neighbors are gonna show up wearin maroon SEC t-shirts and drink all my...
A big 'Amen' to that!
Would really like the Tigers to blow 'em out but think defenses will rule today. Also hopin JL rules today and gets rid of all the focus on who's...
Up and ready here in the Texas thicket, too, with pit smokin', flags on the front porch and Tiger tunes drawin' rude looks from my Aggie...
Interested? Hell yes, it's the Tigers! Only downside is gotta get up earlier to get the babybacks on and taste test the brews. Dang the luck!
Was doing honey-do's and missed the first part of the phone interview on CBSSN, but thought Coach did a good job of articulating the ball down the...
Saban panders to the camera in every interview - prehalftime, posthalftime, SEC media day, security cams at Taco Bell. Miles looks at the person...
Will kill Musberger for leftovers.
I sat through the second half of OU/FSU with the volume off. Got sick of mushburger's love affair with Stoops and his 'number one team in ALL THE...
Went with Erin due to limited options. Hell, I'm as old as the dirt in DeRidder so Tracy Wolfson looks good to me. In fact they all do except...
I've been nervous about this game all week and you are right. #1 is crucial I think, we don't need Lee feelin outside pressure. #2 is probable and...
The hell with sexy! Any record with a crystal is an orgasm. Just wishbonin' I guess.:crystal:
How about you comin our way and we'll send those fire hydrant-sniffin' aggies out there?
Roux U is always better than Moo U. :geauxtige
Just pulled in from another workover where every worm-bitten hand had service but me! Tryin to hang my flag, enjoy the first cold one in a week...
They both suck.
feathered warriors? juju must be kiddin'! !twocrystals!:crystal::LSU231:
I'm feelin it all the way over here in the Texas thicket brother! Amen and Geaux with God! :tigereye:
Same here and kickoff six hours away - time for another shot of blood pressure meds!! :geaux::tigereye:
Great video! Gonna have some duck gumbo tonight!