These farmers Around here know exactly how to play the govt. makes me sick to listen to one talking about how tough it is to make it especially...
You got that right.
Sad but true Pride. My grandparents worked the fields or ran a route all day, sunrise to set, 6 days a week. My parents had to help from the time...
He has set race relations back about 40 years. Al Capone must have been accused of phony scandles also. He never killed anyone. He just evaded...
I'll give Barry credit for a couple of things. Spending money like no other president And dividing the country. Raising taxes. He's done a pretty...
Congress would look like the drivers meeting at Daytona. When they are in session Pit Row would be a great nickname for it.
If politicians had to put their donors names on their jackets they would look like a NASCAR driver.
That bubble started during Clinton. And Bin Laden may be crab shit but Al Quaida is gaining ground in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan again. Barry...
You believe and repeat exactly what your told. You sound just like carney and msnbc. That market crash started before bush. He even tried warning...
The biggest difference between Barry and Bush. The media. What they crucified W for they choose to ignore O for. Example: bush budget $500 billion...
90,000,000 plus unemployed and %20 of the nation on welfare and the most people ever working part time in the nations history. Yeah. Obama rocks....
And sleeping with a president does not make you qualified to be president. Nothing she has sponsored as a senator is noteworthy either. She had...
Whatever happened to names like Skunk. Home grown. Red hair. Censamillion? Not sure about the spelling but this phone pronounced it right.
With that type of gouging it will do nothing but fuel the cartels by driving up prices. My friends paid $5 for enough to make 3 fat boys or 5 pins... Moody's says it's not looking to good. Look for...
What made Barry more qualified than McCain or Romney then? What qualifications will put Hillary above the others?
Damn sure didn't vote based on experience. He preferred Hillary over hope and change. Middle of the road? She's left wing all the way.
Coming from the guy that votes based on race, gender, and party. Instead of experience, morals, and common sense. You keep doing whatever the...
If you vote for Hillary Clinton you are one stupid radical left wing nut job that votes party instead of common sense or principle. You must've...
Obama, Biden, Reid and Pelosi. That's a pretty good measure of how far the country has fallen. Not to mention Debbie W.Schultz, Cochran, McCain,...