The sac au lait or starting to bite in the reservoirs up here.
By that logic Barry is a sundial then.
My daughter is in nursing school and just told me this one. Gerbiling- the term use for the activity that involves tying a string to a gerbil....
Copy and paste. I can't take anything Barry, Harry, or Nancy says seriously Lasalle.
Things Obama knew that we didn't know. Last week, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor re-released his 33-page October 2012 report detailing 40...
Delayed by Barry till after elections. Not much faith in his own shit sandwich that him and the democrats slapped together.
I bet she blew a gasket when she found out. And probably a few others. But "If they have nothing to hide then they have nothing to worry about "....
I bet he didn't know the CIA was spying on Congress either. Which is justified IMHO. Ganders, say hi to the geese.
Animal collisions could be an exception to the "nobody is at fault rule" .
Totaled a Dodge Colt in HS. Guy ran a stop sign and took off the front of it. 2nd one was a 72 Dodge Challenger. Heading home and fell asleep....
The Iranians hijacked it and flew it to N Korea.
Cleopatra was a horny chick who was highly skilled in power pootain politics. But made a terrible snake handler.
I FN love those movies. " yo Serrano! Jobu needs a drink!"
If you shoot your hunting areas dominant gobbler you'll find out you have twice as many gobblers in the area than previously thought. Seems...;_ylu=X3oDMTEzY2RzamY4BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNwRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1NNRTMzOV8x/SIG=134uk17qn/EXP=13...
The farmers around here had a record crop season. Even though they got in the fields late they racked up. I have a lot of friends that farm and...
We have a timber company over here behind the levee. It has some of the best turkey, duck, and deer hunting in the state. If you want to get hired...
It's called set aside land around here. A farmer in Lyon has land in it, 1200 acres and is paid $400 an acre to keep it clean.
Drones are included in my Sportsman license. Don't even need a drone stamp for them 10ga 3 1:2" magnum with BBB. Like shooting geese. Big f. N...