Democrats have done more damage to blacks than Republicans have. Barry got the the black vote because he is a 1/2 black democrat. If he lived in...
The great pyramid actually has 8 sides instead of 4. They can only be recognized from the air.
SHIT- Store High In Transit. Manure stored below deck would build up methane gas and when it reached an ignition source Boom!!! There went the ship.
T Twin Mini-me's.
[ATTACH] This. Is a God. Aphrodite the mighty.
No it's not! It's that damn Nick Saban!
From a grain of sand floating in nothing that exploded and created the universe in .00000000000001 of a second. That's what the Ripple article...
I agree with a lot of what you said there NC. Days of diversity. For Red...
The left wing has been sucking the Obama dick for years now. I personally care less what Putin does. He's not half the threat to this country as...
Your right Uscvball. It's a great opportunity to have discussions with your kids as well as stay informed with what they teach. I would rather...
Putin will do what he wants now. Barry and his sanctions do not intimidate him in the least. He has little respect for a NATO that's supposed to...
We weren't 17+ trillion in debt when we outspent Russia and caused their collapse. We have been running trillion dollar budget deficits and are on...
I'm debating taking my kids to Sardis. I want to turkey hunt and fish. Decisions decisions. I may drag the boat and launch it. Pull it up on the...
Enid, Sardis, and Grenada
If they had been in car seats they would've been ok I believe. They would've been between the adults and still probably survived. The uncle has...
I've been working wrecks for 14 years now. I worked one a few years ago on #1 hwy outside of Friars Pt.,Ms. 4 adults, 2 infants in a midsize 4...
Russia is now reconsidering the Iran and nukes deal.