He was supplying weapons to jihadist, at the request of the State dept. so they could help overthrow the Assad regime in Syria. Same thing the...
If your in a country. At an American embassy. Having meetings with foreign diplomats ( Turkish and Saudi) to recruit and arm jihadists to...
Keep drinking the Kool aid red.
The 1st Amendment protects our free speech from government infringement. The 2nd protects us from the government. I believe the government is...
Stevens was there on official business. Hillary ignored emails for months about security issues at the compound. Barry and the bitch tried to...
You must have believed the whole Obama/Hillary it was video charade.
I was commenting in the Amb. Stevens remark. An my case has been made.
It wasn't the CIA. It was the State Dept and Whitehouse. An attack on our embassy before an election wouldn't fit the "we have al quaida on the...
To say the 2nd Amendment doesn't apply to modern firearms is like saying the 1st doesn't apply to tv, Internet, and radio. I don't give a shit...
SEAL Team 6 rings a bell also.
"Shall not be infringed" is my favorite part. Never heard of that " when serving in the militia " shit. Damn libs always trying to change the 2nd...
The Drs around here have posted signs on their doors "We will not accept any new Medicare patients". The un-insured guys at the shop, and most of...
Suspended with pay? That's what they call punishment? I call it vacation.
They've been screwing us taxpayers for years. Might as well get their peckers wet while they're at it.
I don't care who takes the snaps as long as they can put up more points than the other teams qb.
Going to church no more makes a person a christian than standing in a shop makes.them a mechanic. I read the somewhere and thought. Yep.
We need a group that will strive to eliminate excessive taxation and start working towards spending cuts that would balance the budget and start...
That's a nice bass right there. After looking at that bass. Think I may go this evening.
Hope you make a speedy and full recovery bro. I came down with pneumonia in both lungs in April. It put me down for 3 weeks. Doctor said I was...
[ATTACH] Last pic. My son and future son-n-law, great young man but still a Gump.lol! With the stripes we caught also.