So if the minimum wage guy belowme gets a $2 mandatory increase that means my wages should go up $2 then.
You can look at Harry an Rory Reid's ties to the Nevada land also. They,along with several other democrats, stand to make millions on a solar...
Yep. Dealing with the Libs will do that to a person.
Because the national land is in the states boundaries for one. The Feds have already proven that they can't manage the land without politicizing....
The point gyver was making is the waste involved in these federal programs. The private sector is more efficient and several land issues would be...
Here's a few federal accomplishments. Amtrak. USPS. IRS. EPA. AG. Every one is either broke or being used to target political opposition....
If politicians would quit borrowing, printing, and taxing so damn much we wouldn't even be discussing a minimum wage hike. They have taxed our...
[media] check this out
I can't remember the number but I can ask him Tuesday. I'll find out which filter also. He found an adaptor for his gun and filter to work. Locks...
If the states control land in their own states you won't see a "govt shutdown" and the Feds locking citizens out of the national parks. The...
I've made.a few suppressor parts. 3 for .22 and a .45. The shop can't make a suppressor legally but I can make all the parts and sell them...
The article is about state lawmakers, 50 from 9 states, wanting to put the federal lands under state control. That is a legal way to go about it....
The citizens of the county or state should decide how beat to utilize the land. If they want a state park, wildlife management area, sell/ lease...
The states should decide what's best for them. I believe they can do a better job of managing the land than the Feds.
The law was intended to reward the insurance companies and garner votes to fund and win elections. If Obamacare wasn't a law do you think people...
Western lawmakers strategize on taking control of federal lands...
I'll take gumbo over escargot any day . See how popular it is if the courts follow the law.;_ylu=X3oDMTByaDNhc2JxBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkAw--/RV=2/RE=1397819167/RO=10/RU=...
Come on. I'll top off the tank. I live in Alligator,Ms. About 10 min. from Desoto lake and the Mighty Mississippi river. The lake is about 10'...