I agree!! If JJ plays in the 2nd half it's a travesty - give Lee the chance!! Where have we heard that before?? :hihi:
Committed to South Carolina today per ESPN...
Alsup has faced only 1 batter over the minimum at this point - dominating performance!! :geaux:
7-3 LSU going to the bottom of the 5th...
I made it to one of the opening games and also for the championship game - what an amazing experience! I was just in Omaha last weekend for a big...
I'm in exactly the opposite situation - try being the only LSU fan in an office full of Iowa fans!! I'm constantly reminded of the Hail Mary and...
I love hearing the stories and watching the video - reminds of good times last year when I made it down with a couple of coworkers... I am...
I haven't seen it mentioned but who do you think Arkansas or Virginia would have on the mound for the game? Would they be back to their ace (yes I...
Okie - are you sure about that? I was thinking we would be in the 2nd half of the bracket where if I saw the schedule correctly, we would be...
I will be there!! I don't get many opportunities here in Iowa to see the Tigers so won't miss it for anything. It hopefully will also be a chance...
I was waiting for the announcers to comment about that!!! Good half-inning...
Dean follows that with a hit off a lefty - maybe all that practice against other teams' lefties is starting to pay off :yelwink2:
Yep - made him throw 7 pitches... It will be hard to make him tire out if that is all it takes to get thru an inning...
Troy's QB ended up throwing 72 passes - 72!!!! That has to be some kind of record too! His completion % kept going down as the game wore on - at...
Let's go on a clock consuming drive and score a touchdown to finish the half! Then, opening drive of 2nd half - another touchdown... Anyone else...
I can't wait to see the beloved Tigers in Omaha!! Due to the fact I am from Iowa - this will be another opportunity for me to see the Tigers in...
Georgia up 9-0 and still batting in the 1st!! Go SEC!!!
As I'm watching the GA-NC State game here, it shows LSU up 1-0 in the bottom of the 2nd... How did we get our run??
Yeah - I lost it too but assumed it was due to the storms we are having here in Iowa... Glad to know it isn't just me!!!