Just who will start then ??
I have to say that C(creole)Ray Nagan is showing his his creole line neither white nor black hell he is not cajun just Creole I got this...
http://www.latimes.com/sports/college/football/wire/sns-ap-fbc-lsu-wroten-arrested,1,804061.story?coll=sns-ap-collegefb-headlines here it is go...
Does Russell like to take a hit ? If not he will be no good as a tight end I am not sure he can take a hit , he has been beat up a lot this year...
Controversy what is it? Is it talent ?
Geaux Tigers !!! WOW Great Game !!!! You have said it all .
Think this is the last of it qb discussion , what would you like to talk about oh maybe cooking CORNBREAD FOR THE DRESSING « Thread Started on...
glad you made you reply , I hope that you are right ,, Here they are saying that we will lose by 21 points . LSU to Lose by 21
He is just the QB that will start next year and we could have the same kind of a season, we will not win the BIG games with him as QB ,now what...
Why he is a pro style quarterback he gave LSU a National Championship that is all he did ,Guess what ,it will not happen with JR as quarterback
If, If, If, Miami passes the ball . Guess what , they will score everytme the get the ball . That is not coaching it is what ? Talent !!! We do...
Do we have a quarterback coming to LSU we need one don't you think ??
Do you think JR is going to pull this game out ? Does he have it in him to be a winner ? He did nothing against Georgia here is hoping he comes...
I think the fans should get it off our minds in here instead of in a bar or at school , all i care about is the Tigers winning so GEAUX TIGERS...
Come on things could be worse if you want maybe we could trade coaches with Tennessee Hell Fulmer has a track record , he even beat this weak...
How can it be a very hypothetical scenario if it ain't goning to happen !!! To start with Saban will not resign, he would be fired! Guess what,...
The offense that we as LSU fans claims to be ours is a simple offense .It is not what we were used to under the last coach ,if you remember last...
Well He better have his best day of his life against Georiga Jamarcus I do not like him as a qb but that is me he lost it today not because he...
He is what LSU needs now , in fact wait until he gets his players in then we will see his offense. What we need is a Quarterback to put in the...
GEAUX TIGERS 3 is a start that is our ranking