LSU wrap-up: Signs of things to come By Jess Nicholas Editor-in-Chief Nov. 4, 2007 You could see it coming the first handful...
:shock: what are all the helmets for ??
Cornbiscuit what colors is that ?? Just asking ??
I was wrong in posting that one I thought I could find more than I did . I found a good bit , but it may not be worth posting even in fun in...
There was good about him don't get me wrong but I am looking for the bad as well , so play the game if you like I will find what I want . I do...
I bet one of our cheerleaders , bless her heart, could walk out, without pads on, and take the snap and we could still win this game !! I bet...
We had the players who did not go to class , I am looking for the newspaper stories for that I have a few cousins in Bama land I want to send it... I will not use one you did fine . Go and look at Sabanville Alabama it has some facts yo need to...
Do you think Saban is a better coach than Mike was ?? One more question , What got Mike was he lost to Auburn , this team your Bama team is going...
Hell Terry he is great I just went there and he has LSU running all over the Bama field no he is not a Bama Fan !! It is the greatest work of...
Re: Skyler Green is dead to me LOL I GUESS TO YOU SABAN IS STILL A TIGER !!
No hate just facts check out Sabanville Alabama son
LOL WHAT DID HE DO ??? LOL He took a team that stopped playing because a coach would not let a bum play that got into trouble !! A team that had...
I went there he says Coach miles will win the game , that LSU will walk aeway with this game to be a bama fan he is down on the team !!
you will have RP next year , it will be like last year a lot of fine plays but we will not win the SEC you watch , we may win that this year , we...
you had three that should have been caught . one in the end zone the recievers just do not have the hands to catch the ball .
Shucks they know what he will do he is not able to throw a short pass he can only throw long or run , you saw him tonight . He will learn , the...
I would say NEW ORLEANS IS OUT < Who is the reciever who cannot catch the ball , why is he not on speical teams ?? He should not be trying to...
Di you think the Kentucky fans will call this The New Bluegrass Miracle. Because this game is belongs to them Now
I hope LSU wants this game , LSU is about to lose this game !!