apologize if this one's been mentioned but the funniest examples were using pink houses or born in the usa as a campaign song. idiot...
you wouldnt admit that its harder for the general public to make a bomb or kill a dozen people with knifes that with an ar15?
they were "begging" all right.
really? i can't believe they're all jews and catholics. gotta be some protestants--at least the smart ones, like episcopals.
since Bert, I'd say the only top notch nfl prospect LSU QBs were ???? booty, russell, flynn, perrilloux and mett. not too many for nearly 40 yrs...
I'm pretty sure that earl warren was dead by the time all this was happening
We always stir up crap by being so aggressive, but there is no serious threat from Russia or China and Isis is a pimple on the worlds ass.
What great power planned this? Gun control is a nonissue in this "democracy".
I agree, but I suspect that "heritage" is a smokescreen mostly, although it has now been ingrained in many families. It's also a reaction to the...
82 years and a few months. 1783-1865 This point is addressed nicely by douglas's 4th of July speech.
So did Wilkes-booth. The issue is not if they are idiots or not but how they can affect others and the direction of civilization. Society...
The team name should be changed if the name was chosen to spite blacks
bullshit, they werent. the abolishonists came out of Ohio and New England. screw putting some suffrage leader on the $10, it should be john brown.
not certain, but i bet this was done because of communist ties and not hate speech. although, the concern about communist ties is basically...
first use of the term i found was in 1995, before Nelsons use (against Rodman in 97)...
Oliver Miller was pretty bad at it too. despite poor FT% resulting in Hack a Shaq, he has the record for consecutive FTs in a ncaa tourney game.
i think confederate memorials were put up during the civil rights era should be taken down. those that were put up during reconstruction should...
the "Confederate flag" was only the flag of Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. although two versions of the CSA national flag had it as part of...
Guns should be harder to get. That would decrease the incidence and the severity. Some inconvenience to gun owners is worth it. The ongoing...
Lsu had a "juice" before OJ's crime anyway.