down the field 35 yds but reed was 5 yds deeper, right?
ill be watching by myself at 10 tonight. theres no better way.
i am i wrong in remembering that all of davey's yards came on under throws? did reed make davey good or did davey make reed good? yes, i know...
awesome. hopefully this reverses the trend.
ok, so whats so bad about going into debt equal to one years receipts? thats the point.
nope. the hebrew bible in no way leads to salvation, aka becoming a christian. EVERYTHING changed after jesus was born. he was a new covenant....
hmmmm. nope. if i follow that philosophy id have a mortgage about 2-3x my yearly wages. the US is in better shape than me. debt is = to 1 GDP....
you know youve lost if youve gotta go to leviticus.
i doubt he called anything "the old testament" he did say to follow the romans' laws. doesnt mean it leads to salvation. isnt that what we're...
the dogma is that any unforgiven sin separates you from god.
id agree. if you determine a law is unjust, the ethical response is civil disobedience.
the 10 commandments have nothing to do with christianity (except as some distant history). i wish people would stop confusing judism with...
oh im pretty sure she's ignorant, but not an idiot. i admire civil disobedience no matter the motivation. clearly, she's wrong on the issue but...
they, mostly, make a distinction between sinning and living in sin.
pretty sure there is no bail for contempt charges. that kinda defeats the purpose.
blue bell ice cream tastes great (tin roof is awesome), i just wish they didnt put all that crap in it. youd figure since they only sell within...
what? i think thats pretty much what "freedom" means. its certainly not talking about your freedom to do something from jail. anyway, the...
shes not an idiot. taking a stand. civil disobedience, perhaps. i admire her stand. but she should be fired, after she gets out of jail.
i just think its funny how anyone could be surprised that someone named "orgeron" is from La.
except @Auburn as a freshman.