Anytime he's questioned about anything he comes off whining...... "sanctions, no depth, no PG, injuries...." Always excuses why MSU beats him...
Who's the winninest coach in LSU history? Most post tourment runs? Who are you talking about? And you're calling me ignorant with the spelling...
I'm not going to comment on my opinion of women's basketball because it won't be a nice. But to go along with your comment about run and dunk...
Gotcha. I didn't catch it. Now I do.
The Big Lebowski: After the Dude has his head thrown in the toilet, the guy picks up the Dude's bowling ball and says: "What the F is this?"...
OK, whatever that means. I'd take Tim Floyd over any of the guys anyone has mentioned. Rather have Mark Few or a guy like Floyd who has won...
I'd love to get Tim Floyd. But I just don't think he'd leave now and even if he would, I don't think LSU would spend the jack necessary to get...
Yeah stuff is getting screwed up on quotes somehow. It did the same thing to you that happened to me with SabanFan. Wacky....I said the thing...
Yeah Landers was with Dale. Landers looked much older than he was and had the knees of 45 year old. He had these huge knee braces on......I bet...
True.....maybe he told them he was head coach during their recruitment and then when they signed they dragged out the animal that is Brady.
I'm quoting myself now but: But I've been thinking about this thread........and I'm going to nominate Willie's Red Headed Stranger as the best...
I like just about everything SD. Oh and I love the drum work on the title track from Aja. Hmmm.......favorite SD song? It could be Pretzel...
Williamson was streaky....sort of like Caesar or Henderson.
Personally, I kinda surprised he's able to recruit the guys he has over the years.
Easier if it's out of order but something like this: 1. Led Zep II 2. Who's Next-The Who 3. Red Headed Stranger---Willie Nelson (may be #1)...
Pretzel Logic---good one. No AJA?
Now that brought up recruiting, I find how Brady recruits interesting as well. Several times during his tenure he has had players that form a...