Everything in life is about timing. The timing is not right to hire the assistant coach of the coach LSU just fired. IMO, Butch has done a fine...
That's a damned fine album too..........
I remember reading all the stuff on it when it happened. What I couldn't get was, why wouldn't everyone just shut up? That's what every other...
I agree with you on Williams. I was always a believer in that Williams got Earl to say some things against LSU so that he could force LSU into...
I'm happy to fight terrorist kooks in Iraq and have their focus their than their focus on flying planes into buildings....yes.
If it's on the transfer of the estate....what about the income I received of $3.5 million. I don't have to pay taxes on that at the highest rate?
Estate taxes also include businesses do they not? People are being forced to sell their businesses because of the taxes they would pay if they...
I'm not going rehash Iraq and the problems. But the agenda on us staying there is, IMO, 1st to stay there long enough so that 3,500 soldiers...
First of all, using the Hilton's or Bill Gates and them saying they want to be taxed is a bad argument, IMO. I don't care if Bill Gates wants to...
What? None of that made any sense. Rush Limbaugh made a plant worker look down on people? Whatever. Why are you so jealous of Paris Hilton...
Saddam's nuclear facility was blown up by Israel in 1981. He was still working on reconstituting his NW program and had chemical weapons because...
No, anyone who blames America first for the world's problems hates their country. They have been wrapped in the cocoon of freedom and prosperity...
You assume wrong. We need to be involved in the middle friggin' east because 19 islamo kooks flew planes into buildings and killed 3,000 of your...
Man oh man. I see now how human beings, Americans, like Albright can go over to N. Korea and come back with a worthless treaty and we give them...
Watch the news please before posting. Iran launched rockets last week and that's a delivery system....
Another uneducated liberal folktale. My friend, if the wars we have had were over oil, the US would be the world's foremost owner and operator...
IMO, us right-wingers make liberalism possible. Without us working and paying for all this BS, you and your Code Pink friends couldn't turn the...
What I'm talking about is this exact scenario has happened before. Iraq, under Saddam sought, bought and had constructed a nuclear facility from...
You don't understand how the world works....I can see that. It's not about using the nukes dude. There is no negotiating with a kook who has...
So you believe that Iran is using those reactors for powering homes? You realize this same thing has happened before with Iraq and Saddam right?...